This page was last updated on: September 7, 2015
A brief Breed History
It is thought that the English Springer Spaniel originated in Spain, as the name Spaniel suggests.

Spaniels were referenced as early as 300AD, being sporting dogs used for flushing game for hawks and falcons. In the 1500's the word "springer" appeared - referring to Spaniels that flushed or sprang game.

The sporting spaniels were however, largely developed in the British Isles.

Spaniels were divided into several varieties, depending on their working characteristics. Smaller spaniels were classified as "Cockers" and the larger Spaniels "Springers". As recently as early in the 1900's the two varieties were interbred, and progeny identified depending on their size as either Springers or Cockers.

The English Kennel Club recognised Springers as a separate breed in 1902. In 1910 the American Kennel Club reistered the first English Springer Spaniel in that country. By the 1930's English Springers were being shown and bred in Australia.

One of the most versatile of the Gundog breeds, the English Springer remains a firm favourite in fieldwork worldwide. It has also become a favoured family companion breed, an excellent obedience, agility and endurance dog, and the breed continues to win top level prizes in conformation shows throughout the World.
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